Americas Paystar LLC is  committed to protecting clinic and customer privacy

Information collected by Americas Paystar LLC during the application for or servicing of one of our products or services are also governed by Americas Paystar LLC’s Terms of Service supplied at client engagement .

Americas Paystar LLC is a United States-based payment collection service Our web and digital properties do not intentionally target children under the age 13 without parental consent. In addition to the privacy practices described within this statement and the Americas Paystar LLC Privacy and Opt-Out Notice.

Information Collection

When using an Americas Paystar LLC digital property we may collect three categories of information about you.

Personal Information: We may collect personally identifiable information about you such as your name, address, phone numbers, email address, or other information that identifies you. This includes information you provide via applications, forms, subscriptions, contest entries, or other means of collection.

Non-public Information: Through your interactions with us, such as applying for a product or service, we may collect non-public information about you such as your, tax identification number, Americas Paystar LLC user name, Americas Paystar LLC password, occupation, or other types of non-public information.

Online Behavior: We may collect information about the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device(s) you use to access Americas Paystar LLC’s digital properties; your operating system and browser type; referral website information; your digital property usage and page views; your social media preferences (e.g. likes, interests, profile, etc.); your geolocation; and aggregate or non-personally identifiable information.

These categories of information may be collected by Americas Paystar LLC, or by our third party service providers, through use of various technologies, such as cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, or other technologies, to associate your online use of our digital properties and/or with offline personally identifiable information.

Information Usage

We may use the information we collect online and that which we pair it with offline to:

  • market our products and services or those of our trusted partners
  • service, manage, or collect on your account
  • process transactions initiated by you
  • verify your identity or information you provided on an application
  • perform everyday business tasks such as data analytics, digital property experience optimization, fraud prevention, security enhancements, or product and service improvements
  • respond to your questions or inquiries
  • comply with federal, state, or local laws; civil, criminal, or regulatory investigations; or other legal requirements
  • share with our affiliates or trusted third parties in accordance with the practices described in our Privacy and Opt Out Notice
  • aggregate or anonymize data for analytical purposes

Information Disclosure

Americas Paystar LLC may disclose all of the information collected, as described above, to companies that perform marketing services on behalf of Americas Paystar LLC or to other financial institutions with which Americas Paystar LLC has joint marketing or other contractual agreements. Americas Paystar LLC may also disclose nonpublic personal information about its members under other circumstances as permitted or required by law and as described in our Privacy and Opt Out Notice.

Information Security

Americas Paystar LLC restricts access to non-public personal information about its members to Americas Paystar LLC employees and approved third parties working on our behalf who have a specific business purpose in utilizing member data. Americas Paystar LLC employees are trained in the importance of confidentiality and member privacy by maintaining physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations and leading industry practices to safeguard members’ non-public personal information.